Rosanna Casalnuovo

BRAND Management - Content Creator -  New Technologies Consultant
Data and Identity Protection in Technological Ambit

Visual and digital artist on the web as SPAZIOFORMADESIGN, I’m the only manager of copyright for commercial and advertising of my artworks. After many years of experience as personal branding I have create the brand SPAZIOFORMADSGN for a new perspective of creative identity and to advance the experimental works in graphic pattern for design.
I also write on SPACEFORMDSGN about my visual art and other my works.
For work I only receive by appointment with pre-arranged date after you have contacted me on form. I don't accept other ways of contact. For SPAZIOFORMADSGN products you can find me on Zazzle.

OFFICE: vico Colombo, 16
75021 Colobraro (MT) Italy

VAT Identification Number: IT01353060773

mail: spazioformadesign (AT) gmail (DOT) com